Similar to Dave's recent MCU search, I also need to select a motor control MCU (sensored sinusoidal BLDC low-speed dual-encoder torque-sensing) and wanted to share my notes/thoughts in the pursuit of excellence. I'd appreciate any new ideas and suggestions.
Notable FeaturesHigh-Resolution PWM: 2ns previous-gen; 150-250ps current-gen
Multi-Core: typically main core1 for networking (ex. CAN-FD) and core2 for control algorithm and critical sensing; or lock-step.
ADC: 12-bit 3MSPS standard, 16-bit is leading-edge (reminds me of Siglent's 12-bit SDS-HD last year as a step up from traditional 8-bit)
Other Integrated: comparators, quadrature encoder interface, resolver interface, accelerators (algorithmic support), CRC
OptionsMicrochip dsPIC33CH series (2018, 16-bit, 512KB/48KB, 100MHz 90/100 MIPS dual-core, 250ps PWM, quadrature decoder) (AECQ-G0 150C operating models available) (power-efficient, thermally resilient, with several sizing options, though limited compute; classic rel-focused Microchip design style; reflects why NASA chose them for next-gen space HPC dev)
STM: STM32G4x4 (2019, 512KB/128K, M4-170MHz-213DMIPS, 184ps PWM, 5x 12-bit ADC 250ns)
TI: TMS320F280015x (2023, 32-bit, lockstep 120MHz, 256KB-ECC/36KB-ECC, 4x 150ps PWM, 2x 4Msps 12-bit ADC, 125C, FPU, TMU)
Renesas: RH850/U2B (2023?, 32MB CODE/512KB DATA/5MB RAM, 8x 400MHz cores, RISCV DFP-VE co-processor, eMMC, TSN-Ethernet, ASIL-D)
Renesas: RA6T2 (2021, 240MHz core, 950 coremark as of 2022-03-17, 156ps PWM resolution, 16-bit 160ns 6.25Msps latency dual ADC, 64KB RAM+ECC, 105C) S32K39 (2023?, 32-bit, 4-6MB MEM, 800KB SRAM, lockstep M7-pair, split-lock M7-pair, dual co-processors, 160MHz DSP, CAN-FD/TSN-Ethernet, ASIL-D)
QuestionsHow relevant is memory/compute above 500KB/100MIPS for state-of-the-art algorithms (degree of improvement vs full optimization potential)? For example, NXP says they target 200kHz control loop designs.
What are the latest control design/algorithm advancements?
New MCUs seem to be targeting automotive electrification applications (big-featured traction inverter ECUs) and I don't need that many peripheral/functions (MFGs want to sell 1-2 per car, but my project needs 20+ per assembly), but aside from the extra size, cost, and power consumption, is there more I should be wary of when considering them for more compact applications?