Electronics > Microcontrollers
Microchip TCPIP
I've got a simple stripboard setup with an ENC28j60 and a PIC32MX130F064B (All I had) which is all working OK so far.
Trying to compile the demo stack downloaded from MCP, I've literally got none of the features selected, a custom Main file, and with the HTTP Server example enabled it used 70k of flash!
The MCP site says it uses 10k max.. Is this normal or can I make it any smaller..??? I've got no room left for my program!
I've never used that chip/IDE/toolchain but just from what your saying i'm wondering if selecting/unselecting "features" may not be the same as removing them from the project.
Also check your compile options, maybe the compiler isn't doing any optimisations
Ive tried various optimisation levels on the compiler.
Selecting demo features is done by commenting out defines ~ so all of the crap i dont want is presumably taken out at compike time. I wonder if theres any webpages stored in flash ?
Normally id just say chuff it and get another pic with 4x the flash but im stuck with getting a prototype ready over christmas with the bits i have on hand.....
I think you need to specify a compiler option to make it not to link in procedures that aren't used.
And yes, that is totally brain-dead behaviour, especially when they provide loads of general-purpose libraries which nobody is going to use every part of.
I really wish Microchip would get their compilers up the standard of the likes of IAR.
Take a look through the .map file to see where the memory is going - could well be that an HTTP demo has an image embedded in there somewhere
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