I have to disagree with this. From my experience, FPGA's can be even easier to use than micros. With conventional processors you need to learn what hardware capabilities the individual chip has (which means a program written for one micro won't likely work for another). Even when using a higher level language, like C, the specific registers et cetera still must be configured properly.
I'm not going to say that FPGA's don't have some individual preferences that need to be set, but often a net list and timing constraints file is provided by the manufacturer. With an FPGA, you program (basically) in raw logic (AND/OR/NAND/NOR/XOR/ flip-flops et cetera). Besides the near limitless power of the architecture, once you learn Verilog or VHDL, you can easily port your design to any other FPGA (as long as it has enough logic cells to contain your design). Some macros specific to the chip (Xilinx, Alterra...) exist, but most things can be done without using those.
Check out the Digilent Atlys (digilentinc.com) or the Terasic DE0/DE0 Nano (
One thing I will say about FPGA's in general, is that they take more power to run than microcontrollers, and they are not as cheap, so if you plan on selling your design, try to implement it in a cpu before an fpga. But if you're a hobbyist just making stuff for your own intrest/education, give an fpga a shot. You won't regret it!