Does the display have all the data pins connected? These displays are very often used in 4-bit mode to save MCU I/O. You can then use a low end PIC with the 8-bit parallel slave port.
If it's used in 8-bit mode, use the parallel slave port on the 8 data bits, the LCD's 'E' becomes the clock, and you can use any two other port pins for the R/W and RS pins. Why? because the datasheet specifies a min hold time for these two pins of Tpw = 230ns after the low to high transition of 'E'. Plenty of time for 'E' to trigger an edge-enabled interrupt in the PIC and for the interrupt routine to poll these pins.
Come on dudes, all this talk of FPGAs and PSOCs is far too OTT for reading data being sent to an HD44780 display