Electronics > Microcontrollers

MPLAB X/xc8 first program not running

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I'm using MPLAB X and the xc8 compiler for the first time and has run into a a problem. It looks like my program is not running. It does not turn on/blink the LEDs.

I have verified the code after programing the chip. I wrote a program in Jal to blink the LEDs and it runs fine, so there is no problem with the hardware or the programmer.

I'm using a 12F675. I have tried the code below and also the first example from the Gooligum mid-range tutorial. (http://www.gooligum.com.au/tut_midrange_C.html)

I suspect there is some setting in MPLAB that I'm missing but I can't think of what it may be..

--- Code: ---#include <xc.h>
#pragma config FOSC = INTRCIO
#pragma config WDTE = OFF
#pragma config PWRTE = OFF
#pragma config MCLRE = OFF
#pragma config BOREN = OFF
#pragma config CP = OFF
#pragma config CPD = OFF
#define _XTAL_FREQ 4000000

void main() {
    TRISIO = 0b101011;
    GPIObits.GP2 = 1;

    while (1){
       GPIObits.GP4 = 1;
       GPIObits.GP4 = 0;

--- End code ---

The generated .hex file:

--- Code: ---:0A0000008316FF2390008312F62BF5

--- End code ---

do you have the old mplab 8 installed on the same PC, if so did you use the MPLAB Switcher to change your saettings


--- Quote from: notsob on November 15, 2012, 10:42:40 am ---do you have the old mplab 8 installed on the same PC, if so did you use the MPLAB Switcher to change your saettings

--- End quote ---

No, I don't have MPLAB 8 or any other old version installed.

Any suggestions for settings to check? or config files?

I selected PIC12F675 when creating the project. Can't find other settings than that.

In what pins have you connect the leds?


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