Boring, really boring.
Every other year someone or some company comes out with some general-purpose graphical development tool for some platform or MCU. And guess what? Every single one of them failed during the last few decades. What survives from time to time are special-purpose tools (e.g. LabView) as opposite to general-purpose tools.
Why do the general-purpose ones fail? It is always the same. The authors always think they have invented the best thing since sliced bread. While in reality they just do a rehearsal. A rehearsal of a bad idea, because drawing is slower, inflexible and more hassle than typing code. A second thing is, these tools are always of low quality. In their rush to monetize their "great" idea they hire rubbish programmers (or are anyhow rubbish programmers), and typically deliver broken software - buggy, incomplete, slow, inflexible, a pain to operate. What they deliver is a promise of a better world, but the better world is never delivered, just the promise.
The authors have no clue about their target market. Experienced programmers don't need this. So some authors have the idea to market it to the stupid ones. You know, those who always shout "awesome" when they see a blinking LED, and to stupid managers, of course. The trouble is, that while "being stupid" is a general trend and fashionable in society, it still isn't fashionable in programming. There aren't many programmers who are stupid an have money at the same time (Bill Gates being the greatest exception). In programming, the ones with the money aren't stupid, but the stupid ones don't have money. The stupid ones rather steal your software than paying for it.
I have a message for all these "graphical programmers" out there. Don't become a programmer if you hate writing code. It is really that simple. No tool in the world will fix your incompetence and make you a good programmer if you hate writing code.