I could not find hardware data on the ESP32-P4, removed from their website
https://docs.espressif.com/projects/esp-idf/en/stable/esp32p4/hw-reference/index.htmlI think Espressif has gone stupid, they need to sack the marketing people choosing model numbers and names. What a mess.
280 items in the
Product Selector IC, SoC, Module, Dev Board - it's all a blur. Then try look for peripherals like ADC or CAN, the webpage seems to do nothing to help.
Everything is an "ESP32", nothing for general purpose timers, major silicon errata over many revs ADC are pretty much useless even with calibration. I don't think they can actually do decent analog on the silicon.
There is the Pico, Solo, WROOM, WROVER, MINI etc. and no idea what that means.
Very hard to find/select a part.