I'm just wondering if ALL PIC microcontrollers in the 20 pin DIP package have the same power supply pins?
I would say that this is probably true for PIC16 and PIC18
Cannot be 100% sure, but I know of no exception.
Don't know whether any PIC12 comes in 20 pin DIP package. If there is one, then it would probably match pic16/18
PIC24 and PIC33 have very different power pins
(side note: Most, possibly all, PIC12F/16F/18F processors in DIP8 and DIP14 packages are compatible with a 20 pin DIP socket - be sure pin 1 of PIC always matches socket pin 1)
EDIT: Probably should have specified PIC16F and PIC18F above. Forgot that C versions used to exist until jpanhalt reminded me in following post.