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Offline DavidAlfa

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Re: Not quite a total noob needs advice on which microcontroller to play with
« Reply #25 on: January 13, 2025, 02:26:03 pm »
 I recommend the STM32G030 over the CH32V003, not as cheap but much better
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Offline brucehoult

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Re: Not quite a total noob needs advice on which microcontroller to play with
« Reply #26 on: January 13, 2025, 10:50:32 pm »
I recommend the STM32G030 over the CH32V003, not as cheap but much better

That's a bigger part in RAM and flash, more comparable to the CH32V103C6T6 (10k RAM, 32k flash, 64 MHz).

Better in what way?

Offline DavidAlfa

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Re: Not quite a total noob needs advice on which microcontroller to play with
« Reply #27 on: January 14, 2025, 04:36:55 am »
Better in what way?
In everything, peripherals, ram, flash, speed...

The CH32V103C6T6 is way more expensive, like 3-5x the G030, so not in the same league.

They are STM32G041F8P6 with AES engine locked down, but the 64KB flash is there along with the extra timers, LPUART and TRNG.



« Last Edit: January 14, 2025, 04:51:32 am by DavidAlfa »
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Offline brucehoult

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Re: Not quite a total noob needs advice on which microcontroller to play with
« Reply #28 on: January 14, 2025, 07:51:12 am »
Better in what way?
In everything, peripherals, ram, flash, speed...

The CH32V103C6T6 is way more expensive, like 3-5x the G030, so not in the same league.

I see your STM32G030F6P6 on Mouser for $0.68 qty 100 ($1.10 qty 1). 64 MHz, 8k RAM, 32k flash. TSSOP-20. With, yes, 4x the SRAM, but only 2x the flash, and 1.33x the MHz.

So that's 4x the price of a 20 pin CH32V003, and it can't run on 5V.

I agree -- a completely different league in every way, including price.

CH32V103 seems to be not so easy to get, but I see in the official WCH store on Ali CH32V203F8P6 $0.64 qty 20, 144 MHz, 20k RAM, 64k flash, 17 GPIO, 2*9ch 12 bit ADC, USB2 FS host&device, 2 UART, I2C, SPI, TSSOP-20.

So compared to your STM that's 2.25x the MHz, 2.5x the RAM, 2x the flash, for 0.94x the price.

And the WCH has got the full RV32IMAC ISA vs the kind of painful Thumb 1. And USB2, which your STM doesn't have at all.

Offline SiliconWizard

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Re: Not quite a total noob needs advice on which microcontroller to play with
« Reply #29 on: January 14, 2025, 08:53:33 am »
Yes for all this, but it's in the end all in what the OP wants to start with and there's no easy answer. I'm sure price for stuff that's all < $1 is not a concern for a "noob" who wants to learn.
But price may not be the only point going for the CH32V003: it's a simpler device than the STM32G0 and as such may be easier to grasp for a beginner, while its limitations may not be a big problem for just learning the basics.
OTOH, the STM32G0 will allow a bit more - knowing that there are models up to 144KB RAM for $2.5. Still a good deal for a "noob".

I would tend to favor the simpler one here, because I personally think that's a better option for learning the basics than going for a more complex MCU right away, which will tend to make things either harder, or push the beginner to use point-and-click tools without really understanding what they do, while it'll be possible to go more baremetal for a beginner on a simpler MCU.

Others may of course have a different teaching approach.

Offline DavidAlfa

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Re: Not quite a total noob needs advice on which microcontroller to play with
« Reply #30 on: January 14, 2025, 09:53:04 am »
You get the ch32v003 for 30cents in AliExpress (Unless you buy 2000?), the stm32 for 40 cents or so, so not that big difference.
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Online ledtester

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Re: Not quite a total noob needs advice on which microcontroller to play with
« Reply #31 on: January 14, 2025, 10:31:40 am »
I'll chime in with the Raspberry Pi Pico... especially if you want something to _play_ with.

Some pros:
- fast, has lots of memory and comes with two cores
- easy to get started with using micro python
- easy to flash
- has the PIO functional units which people have done some amazing things with
- can get it with Wifi/Bluetooth radios
- has a large hobbyist user base

Some Pico projects which make use of the PIO functionality:

400 MHz / 24 channel expandable logic analyzer:

PicoVGA library:

Arb Waveform Generator:


Offline brucehoult

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Re: Not quite a total noob needs advice on which microcontroller to play with
« Reply #32 on: January 14, 2025, 10:46:48 am »
You get the ch32v003 for 30cents in AliExpress (Unless you buy 2000?)

$11.14 for 50x 20 pin = 22.28c each.

the stm32 for 40 cents or so, so not that big difference.

I know the CH32V003s I point to are genuine parts from the official WCH store, and I buy there with 100% confidence, just as I would buying STM at Digikey or Mouser.

I really have ZERO idea which of the dozens of Aliexpress stores selling STM are genuine parts, new etc etc.

Perhaps you can advise, with a URL, which ones you buy?
« Last Edit: January 14, 2025, 11:48:06 pm by brucehoult »

Offline DavidAlfa

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Re: Not quite a total noob needs advice on which microcontroller to play with
« Reply #33 on: January 14, 2025, 03:44:22 pm »
I bought these but they were much cheaper back then (I got 5x for $1.5):
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Offline brucehoult

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Re: Not quite a total noob needs advice on which microcontroller to play with
« Reply #34 on: January 14, 2025, 11:19:53 pm »
I bought these but they were much cheaper back then (I got 5x for $1.5):


The STMicro chips I've seen all have one or more of

1) "STM" in the part number printed on the chip

2) the ST logo

3) the ARM logo

This chip has none of those!

Offline SiliconWizard

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Re: Not quite a total noob needs advice on which microcontroller to play with
« Reply #35 on: January 14, 2025, 11:36:13 pm »
This is clearly not a STM product. One bet would be the N32G030, a "Nation" product. They have a TSSOP-20 package. Cortex-M0 based, 48 MHz max.

From the datasheet I found, the currrent TSSOP-20 would be the N32G030F6S7, I can't see the F6P6 listed, but given this is the same way of identifying the packages, I would venture that the one on the picture above is indeed a N32G030 in TSSOP-20, but in a revision that is not sold anymore. Which would mean that not only is this definitely not a STM product, but a Nation one, it would even be old stock (assuming the picture is indeed what you get when you order).

Offline DavidAlfa

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Re: Not quite a total noob needs advice on which microcontroller to play with
« Reply #36 on: January 15, 2025, 01:44:48 am »
Clearly, the st logo has been removed / photoshopped, lots of vendors do so, I'll check the chips later.

Edit: They have the logo, but hmm, maybe the pins are revealing something fishy?

The marking looks perfect, I've never seen a relabeled part looking good, and there's a lot to remove:

The pins look vastly different:

Not all stm32s have the ARM logo.
Definitely not present in small packages?
This is a genuine picture from an european distributor:

Seems very close to the AliExpress one, but not identical, the 4s look different, could be a nicely done copy or a just produced in a different fab.

« Last Edit: January 15, 2025, 05:15:13 am by DavidAlfa »
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