I'm working with a PIC32 and and didn't want to dick around with a jumper, as suggested in the data sheet, to disconnect the filter cap whenever you wanted to program/debug the thing.
I decided to look at my PIC16 explorer board and see how MC did it. This is the circuit I have deciphered from the user guide's schematic
I think I understand most of it. R5 pulls MCLR high for normal operation, C18 mitigates any spikes that may cause spurious resets, R7 limits current into MCLR pin if it fails, according to data sheet it should be less than 470 ohms but I'm guessing that its high enough to protect any of the programmer/debuggers attemting to pull it high if the Reset button is stuck low.
What I dont get is the diode D1 and R22. FOr some pics, programming the chip involves raising MCLR to a higher programming voltage. In that case D1 will be forward biased but I don't understand why they would want that. For the PIC32 there is no need for a higher programming voltage, its a matter of holding it low, pulsing it high and sending some ascii code to the pgd pin
Does anybody have any clues as to the purpose of D1 and R22