Personally I don't think that the specifications mentioned in the first post are too special. When looking at Farnell, I can easily find a cheaper ARM Cortex-M MCU with at least similar specs. If you would take the time to investigate I'm positive there is one that has very similar peripherals as the PIC mentioned by the OP + a whole lot of extra's (Quick search example: STM32F1xx)
They are not the same chips. The ARM listed above is what I call a kitchen sink processor because they throw everything they can into it in the hopes that more will be better, but it actually can hurt a project designed around the part. Notice it includes things like HDMI CEC, something a PSU designer is not going to be interested in using. A user might choose to ignore that feature and use the part anyway but they can't ignore the limitations that having that hardware available on the die causes, and there are always limitations imposed when you add features. Both ARM and PIC make the mistake often of trying to include too many peripherals . That is what I found refreshing about the PIC16f1783 , it was clearly designed with power control in mind . There are parts included that are needed when doing a smps, like op amps, comparators, that normally require extra chips. The PSMC is another thing that is different . Nothing here is anything exclusive to microchip but they have added features that work together and left out the stuff that wouldn't be needed all while keeping the pin count much lower than an ARM design and pin count matters a lot when you are figuring out the total cost.
I'm relatively new to MCU's, and have no history with the 8b or 16b generations. Even though I read some saying that a 32b is killing a bug with a platoon of tanks, that platoon of tanks nowadays is cheaper than the good old slingshot. Moreover, from what I'm taught, the Cortex-M cannot be thought about in the classical way of 16b or 32b.
You can't compare architectures based on bits because they all are different . I use ARM for things that require high level processing not things like a power supply or a remote control and that is the reason 8bit and 16bit will be around for a long time the reason isn't because a 32 bit processor is too powerful, the reason is because a 32 bit processor brings other baggage along with it I don't need for smaller projects. In your tank example , sure the tank can kill easier, but then you need fuel, maintenance, men to run it, if I want to kill a bird I could use either but the slingshot takes a lot less effort and preparation . Don't restrict yourself into one platform or number of bits used, use whatever fits the job best. I learned from years of being an engineer that those who get caught up in platform loyalty are usually the engineers that end up moving from company to company looking for one that caters to their interest , instead check out every manufacturer , even ones you think don't have anything to offer. I will probably never use a renesas cpu but that doesn't mean I don't keep up with what they make and read their data sheets. In the 20+ years I have been doing this I have never been without someone wanting me to work for them and it has been because I don't fixate on one platform.
You can tell the engineers who have locked themselves into one brand when they list themselves as being an Freescale developer or ARM or PIC developer, I still use the title embedded hardware engineer because that is what I do , design hardware based on whatever fits and the client wants, I don't sell myself as being a specific platform developer as I need to fill their needs not have them fill mine.