Maybe I should've added a few more words about my application.
Transformer outputs 24VAC and 7.5VAC. 24VAC is rectified and filtered giving ~31VDC, which supplies power darlington and also is fed to LM317L. LM317 outputs around 27VDC (positive opamp supply). 7.5VAC is rectified, filtered and passed through a standard 7805, to supply MCU. This 5V is then fed through an LC filter making up analog +5V(for eg. DAC which doesn't have split supply), which in turn is fed into TC7660 charge pump to produce -5V (negative opamp supply). So in my circuit i have: unregulated 31V, regulated 27V, digital +5V, analog+5V and analog -5V.
I wonder if it makes sense to filter charge pump output with and inductor + another capacitor. I am also powering the charge pump from analog voltage, maybe i should power it from digital one, and then LC-filter +27V, +5V analog and -5V analog?
As for ground planes, i usually tend to place and route everything on top layer. In general it's easiest to place decoupling caps and route power supplies on bottom layer. I generally fill all empty space with GND copper pour on both top and bottom and switch HEAVILY with randomly placed vias (by randomly i mean by hand and not in regular distances)