Hi Chris,
(not sure if this blog is still alive, btw I am also from South Africa)
Thanks for the interesting and clear explainations on topics
I have a query, I am sure it is straight-fwd....
First, I observe , 'Change Notification' refr in the datasheets.
What is the purpose thereoff and is it applicable in
Part 4 - Peripheral Pin Select (PPS) ?
I have ChipKit DP32, populated with 32MX250F128B -
I am using PicKit 3 to prgm the unit.
Using MLABX 1.85 xc32 compiler. MLA Lib : 2013/06/15
I have the basic I/O working etc.
I now wish to implement INT2 on PA4 (chip pin12)
So with your info -
I believe I now have PORTA.4 (RPA4) Configure for INT2, digital Input
Please advise if this is incorrect?
Now, how do I implement prototype config / ISR Handler for INT2?
I want it configured for Edge-trig,
Not sure how to configure it etc.
Lastly, do you have some examples re ADC configs and Applications
(Auto Sampling)
Can you advise please?
Once again, thank you for interesting reading, which allows for me
to progress.