Electronics > Microcontrollers

PICKIT2 Demo Board PIC18F Support


Stephen Hill:
Hi All,

I've just bought a PICKIT 2 Starter Kit which includes the Low Pin Count Demo Board. On this board is a 20PIN PIC16F690 but I would really like to start working with the PIC18F.

The datasheet for this demo board states that only PIC12F and PIC16F devices are supported, however, the ICSP pins for the PIC18F are exactly the same as the supplied PIC16F690.

So in theory it should work but I would like to hear for you guys (the experts) if it's possible to drop in a PIC18F into this board?

Many Thanks

* DM164120-1  - PICkit Low Pin Count Demo Board: http://www.microchipdirect.com/ProductSearch.aspx?keywords=DM164120-1
* PIC16F690 Datasheet: http://ww1.microchip.com/downloads/en/devicedoc/41262a.pdf
* PIC18F1XK2 Datasheet: http://ww1.microchip.com/downloads/en/DeviceDoc/41365C.pdf

Stephen Hill:
After reading the datasheet of the Demo Board, PIC16 and PIC18 a bit more, my gut feeling is that the PIC18 should work without any problems.

So I'm gonna give it a try and if it fails, well then I'll just have to wire up my PIC18F on a breadboard.



--- Quote from: Stephen Hill on January 16, 2012, 03:43:28 pm ---After reading the datasheet of the Demo Board, PIC16 and PIC18 a bit more, my gut feeling is that the PIC18 should work without any problems.

So I'm gonna give it a try and if it fails, well then I'll just have to wire up my PIC18F on a breadboard.


--- End quote ---

I may be mistaken but a friend of mine replaced the original chip that came with the Low pin count board with a PIC18F14K50 and it worked perfectly.

Check out the circuit diagram for the pic demo board and the pinout for the device you want to use just to be sure.

Jon Chandler:
I believe that either the 18F14K50  or 18F13K50 chips will work.  Be aware that there are some limitations regarding the USB pins even when USB is not being used.  The 18F14K22 and 18F13K22 should work without the USB peripheral.


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