which one is cheaper? the dsPIC with demo board? or the dsPIC chip alone?
and 2 minutes what? if 2 minutes coding, debugging and uploading, thats pretty fast! but if 2 minutes only to upload, thats pretty damned slow!
What I meant is to get the cheapest demo board with dsPIC on it soldered or as a plugin processor module.
Microchip has a lot of precompiled demos with source code for their demo boards so you literally be running it in 2 minutes if you have MPLAB installed and framework downloaded.
Actually the boards come with the code programmed.
Then you can tweak the code and start from there.
It takes away the pain of starting from scratch both on hardware and software side. If you put together the hardware and software yourself and the first thing it does is nothing then you don't know whether your Vcore decoupling has too high ESR or your CONFIG registers have wrong values or PLL does not work or your code is dud (e.g. exception by reading a byte from an odd address), or you have picked up PGD/PGC pair that doesn't work (it's in errata but have you noticed?), etc.
I know Dave said that it's good when things don't work but it could be a pretty daunting start and may just put you off for a long time.
Of course if you are working with PICs all the time then at least you have an idea how to start from scratch.
Sure, initial cost is higher than bare chip but you can always resell or gift the demo board as it is not overpriced and pretty much retains the value.
I am just pointing out an option, not enforcing it on anyone.
I would recommend
Explorer 16. 100 pin version comes with two plug-in processor modules - PIC24 and dsPIC33 and has tonnes of plugin accessories (wireless, Enet, displays, sensors, etc) if you keep it. 44 pin needs a dsPIC33 plug-in module separately.