Even old and ancient as mammoth bones CY7C68013A running on ancient 8051 core at 48 MHz with 16k RAM has USB 2 HS support with up to 480 MBps and allows to keep realtime continuous synchronous stream at that speed.
The CY7C68013A is a USB2-to-serial-bridge controller, with an 8051 bolted on. Its purpose is to handle USB2, the 8051 is more of an add-on. It's great if what you *really* want is USB2 HS, but not so wonderful otherwise.
Cheap low end STM32 which cost is less than a buck really still have slow USB, but that's the price to pay for being cheap.
As I understand, RP2350 is positioned as a flagship modern high-end MCU, it has 512k RAM, so it's very strange that it come with so outdated and slow USB interface... Very strange choice...
This is a cheap-as-chips MCU. Projected costs for a reel are around a dollar, and if the RP2040 is anything to go by, the price will be similar at much lower quantities. I'm expecting the top-of-the-line one (80-pin, with flash) to be ~$1.50 in quantity-1. We'll see when the distributes get a hold of them...
I think at least 480 MBps USB interface is must have for any modern MCU, even if it runs at 50 MHz. I expect to see at least USB3 from modern MCU.
Anything that runs at 50MHz is going to have to have a separate PLL for the HS USB end, and won't be processing much data at that speed anyway. Just handling the protocol stack is going to take a chunk out of that 50MHz...
They name it "flagship microcontroller" and running at up to 300 MHz... And what I see?! USB FS 12 MBps? Really?
Their flagship is "something that costs more than an RP2040 - they only have the two devices (with some sub-options on the RP235x). So to be their flagship, it has to out-perform a $0.70 (quantity-1) MCU. Which it does, quite handily. "Flagship" is a relative adjective.
Also, it doesn't officially run at 300MHz. It runs at 150MHz, but "overclocks well" - according to the beta-tester on the pre-production silicon who's been using it for the last year.
So if they release some kind of a new Raspi Zero 3W with 1-2 GB RAM and USB3 it will be very nice product for embedders and a good replacement for MCU
The Raspberry Pi is not (IMHO) an MCU, it's an applications processor. It doesn't give you the tight control over timings and, well, everything that is the main benefit of the MCU - it runs
Linux for crying out loud. "Oh, you want me to handle that IRQ ? Tough, I'm spinning on some kernel lock right now"
STM32H7 and STM32F4 series with the similar RAM amount and core frequency has USB HS...
STM32H{4|7} with HSUSB are not in the price-range of the RP235x. AFAIK they start at $5 at distributors for the HSUSB variants.
This weekend I started to throw together a project for the RP2354 (so it's going to wait until they're ready before I build it) in which I previously used an STM32H7B0IBK + an Efinix FPGA because of the timings requirements. The 'B0 is $11.74 and the T8Q144C3 is $6.50. Instead I'm going to use 3 of the RP2354B's, and I won't need the SII9022a (another $5.85) that I was going to use to convert the RGB output of the STM into HDMI. I'll just link the HDMI up to the HSTX port on the RP2354. That's about $20,a huge difference in price from 3x $1.50 (estimated). And I get dual-core CPUs. And I get the PIO to do the heavy lifting. And the parts are more accessible. And the circuit is far simpler.
I also can't see *any* STM32H part bit-banging a DVI interface...
I realise that everyone's requirements are different, but I couldn't give a [insert thing you don't care about here] about the USB - for me its only purpose is to download firmware and act as a serial port when the firmware is running. I'm more interested in how I can use the stand-out feature of the part. If what it doesn't have was critical, I'd just move on and choose something more appropriate, the part isn't $deity's give to mankind, it's just a cool microcontroller.
If I wanted to get high-bandwidth to (say) a PI, I'd use the PIO to implement the SMI bus and get ~50 MBytes/sec transfer up and running. I don't need that right now...