Author Topic: possible to synch digital out puts so they turn on or off at the same time?  (Read 5309 times)

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Also, atleast for now, I am fine with ns timing, but obvioulsy same time would be the goal, but that does not seem possible with the MCU alone.


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Offline wek

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> it ['595s] is dreadfully painful to maintain


Using DMA and timers you can automate update.

Atomicity may be an issue, if you need that; and so is latency; but then the potential for miraculous solutions is also quite small.


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Also, atleast for now, I am fine with ns timing,
What does ns timing even mean ?
1ns or 500ns ?

Also, atleast for now, I am fine with ns timing, but obvioulsy same time would be the goal, but that does not seem possible with the MCU alone.
I've not seen any MCU that expect 96 pin updates on the same clock edge. 32 at a time is your best block access.

That is what we do now. It works, but it is dreadfully painful to maintain. We have about 96 digital outs, so when issues happen, it becomes quite the adventure to debug.
The only real issue with serial+latch is update rates. It is the simplest, by far, way to have same-edge update of that many pins. It gives you same-edge update precision. (likely ~ 1ns)
Next step would be a FPGA or CPLD, or a number of focused small MCU as GPIO.

I was thinking of maybe using an IO expander type deal, but none have an input that allows you to delay the output update until you set a pin, or atleast I have not found one.
You could roll your own IO expander, from a small 32b MCU, or CPLD, that can update 32 pins at a time.
If that sleeps waiting on a trigger pin, it can update across multiple MCUs within a sysclk window, so maybe 20ns ballpark.
If you also send a sysclk, to all slaves, that update could shrink further.

Most LED drivers etc, actually take some pains to avoid pins all changing at the same time ! 

TI have serial IO expanders for LEDs that can Shift/Latch 16, 24 or 48 pins, but the 48 pin parts have a series of 3ns delays to avoid same-time pin change, they settle within ~21ns
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The popular 74x595 shift register has a separately clocked output register.  You can shift in bits one at a time for essentially any number of cascaded bits, and then transfer all the bits to the output pins "at the same time."
Exactly… I did this years ago with NINE daisychained 595s to realise 72 outputs driven with software PWM. No difficulty or challenges at all - other than maximum pin update speed.  For control applications or or dimming LEDS it works fine.
« Last Edit: October 03, 2023, 10:21:30 pm by SL4P »
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Many correct points that have been made before - but which are worth repeating since the OP has failed to respond to them :(

"Numbers, not adjectives" is something i would put in my .sig, but I've run out of characters.
« Last Edit: October 04, 2023, 04:37:13 am by tggzzz »
There are lies, damned lies, statistics - and ADC/DAC specs.
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If you see his profile, he does this all the time, starts a topic, then never answers nor thanks anything.
Another blocked user! I'm seriously tired of these lazy people.
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As an aside, when one uses some pins in a single GPIO port as a parallel output bus, I like to use the DR_TOGGLE to update the state.
If you have
    uint32_t  bus_lookup[BUS_MASK + 1];
to lookup the GPIO port bit pattern corresponding to the bus value (with BUS_MASK==(1<<BUS_BITS)-1),
    uint32_t  bus_toggle;
initialized to zero with the output bus pins low, you can update the output bus state to new_bits using
    bus_toggle ^= bus_lookup[new_bits & BUS_MASK];
    GPIOn_DR_TOGGLE = bus_toggle;

The "standard" way of using the lookup table is to use the set and clear instead, say
    GPIOn_DR_CLEAR = bus_lookup[(~new_bits) & BUS_MASK];
    GPIOn_DR_SET = bus_lookup[new_bits & BUS_MASK];
noting that sometimes you want to clear before set (e.g. keyboard matrix column states), and other times set before clear.

On many development boards the GPIO pins are not consecutive, so the lookup approach allows one to pick the pin order that best suits the circuit in use.  Teensy 4.x are a good example of this.

Wider buses do need to be split into multiple parts, but using DR_TOGGLE, i.e.
    bus_a_toggle ^= bus_a_lookup[new_bits & BUS_A_MASK];
    bus_b_toggle ^= bus_b_lookup[(new_bits >> BUS_A_BITS) & BUS_B_MASK];
    bus_c_toggle ^= bus_c_lookup[(new_bits >> (BUS_A_BITS + BUS_B_BITS)) & BUS_C_MASK];
    GPIOa_DR_TOGGLE = bus_a_toggle;
    GPIOb_DR_TOGGLE = bus_b_toggle;
    GPIOc_DR_TOGGLE = bus_c_toggle;
will give you pretty minimal differences in the sub-bus state changes, time-wise.
(Note that GPIOa, GPIOb, and GPIOc may refer to the same or different GPIO ports, as long as each bus pin is separate.)

Online SiliconWizard

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Yes using the toggle register avoids having to read - modify - write.
As I remember, the PIC32 (MIPS based) also have CLEAR and SET registers, which allow setting or clearing given bits within a port in the same manner, without a read-modify-write and without having to store the state in a variable.

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using the toggle register avoids having to read - modify - write.
It doesn't avoid the RMW, but it does avoid the need for additional atomicity protections.

Offline Nominal Animal

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using the toggle register avoids having to read - modify - write.
It doesn't avoid the RMW
It does avoid having the processor from having to do a read-modify-write on the data register, as
    GPIOn_DR_TOGGLE = mask;
compiles to a simple memory store, but performs the same pin state changes as
    GPIOn_DR ^= mask;
would, the latter doing a read-exclusive_or-write cycle.  Exactly how the GPIO peripheral does the various bit flips is its internal magic, so irrelevant here.

As I remember, the PIC32 (MIPS based) also have CLEAR and SET registers, which allow setting or clearing given bits within a port in the same manner, without a read-modify-write and without having to store the state in a variable.
Like I said, the standard approach is
    GPIOn_DR_CLEAR = bus_lookup[(~new_bits) & BUS_MASK];
    GPIOn_DR_SET = bus_lookup[new_bits & BUS_MASK];
when using such a parallel bus lookup array or arrays.

The clear and set approach does have the benefit that it explicitly sets the pin states –– and does not affect other pins in the same bank, assuming bus_lookup[] is correctly set ––, whereas the toggle approach will get confused if you change any of the bus bits/pins without updating the shadow mask value.  As these GPIO bank accesses tend to take quite a few clock cycles, using just one toggle instead of explicit sets and clears can give a significant speed boost in critical sections.

For example, Teensyduino for Teensy 4.x implements a digitalWriteFast() using an always inlined function (using GCC extensions, always_inline function attribute, and __builtin_constant_p() built-in to branch only when the parameter expression is known at compile-time), so that when both the pin and the state are known at compile time, the generated machine code is a single assignment of a constant to GPIOn_DR_SET or GPIOn_DR_CLEAR; and otherwise two lookup arrays are used: one identifies the GPIO port (via a pointer), and another the bit within the port.  Overhead is obviously 8 bytes per supported I/O pin number (of Flash), but generates quite efficient code considering it allows completely arbitrary pin port and bit selection.
(The other efficient alternative is to number your pins so that low bits correspond to the bit within a port, and high bits identify the port, but even that will generate a some bit shift and addition instructions per function call for the cases where the pin and/or state varies at run time.)

Offline westfw

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It does avoid having the processor from having to do a read-modify-write on the data register, as
    GPIO_DR_TOGGLE = mask;
Compiles to a single store.
Ah.  I thought you were talking about the hack that sets arbitrary bitfields (from a mask) by reading the current value and writing to toggle.
Code: [Select]
    GPIO_DR_TOGGLE = (GPIO_DR_OUTPORT ^ value) & mask;

Offline Nominal Animal

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Ah.  I thought you were talking about the hack that sets arbitrary bitfields (from a mask) by reading the current value and writing to toggle.
No, the "current value" is an ordinary variable, and only maintained for the bus bits.  In real life, I often implement it as
    bus_bits ^= new_bits;
    GPIOn_DR_TOGGLE = bus_lookup[bus_bits & BUS_MASK];
i.e. the temporary variable tracks the bus state, not the output data register state.  I thought the other form was easier to read, that's all.

The 'Pi hack, using my notation here, would be written as
    GPIOn_DR_TOGGLE = GPIOn_DR ^ bus_lookup[new_bits & BUS_MASK];
It is superior to writing the result to GPIOn_DR, because there is a short window between the read from the port, and modifying the port, during which an interrupt may change the port state.  Using the toggle register, only if the interrupt modifies the same pins, can there be an incorrect result state.
It is a read-modify-write cycle, even though two different registers are used, because they refer to the same underlying data.

Using a separate variable saves the data register read, which can take a few clock cycles (from an extra one to about a dozen on Cortex-M's, I believe).  As I understand it –– ataradov and others can correct me if I'm wrong –– this extra access cost is due to the GPIO subsystem using its own clock; i.e. the cost is due to different clock domains, and thus applies to both reads and writes equally.  On many Cortex-M's the same GPIO port can also be accessed via different internal buses, for example on Teensy 4.x GPIO1 and GPIO6 refer to the same bank, the former accessible via DMA, the latter non-DMA and faster.

Another trick is to use 32-bit DMA to a GPIOn_DR_TOGGLE register, allowing one to do up to 32-bit wide parallel bus output via DMA.  The trick is that the data buffer has to be exclusive-or -processed (and bus-lookup'ed) first, but fortunately that is very cheap to do when filling the buffer.  You can even use 64 bits per data element, if you have a write strobe pin in the same GPIO bank, with every DMA write toggling the write strobe pin; or 96 bits with each data element not toggling the write stobe pin, but followed by two words only toggling the write strobe pin.  When such a buffer is initially filled, subsequent refills do not need to modify the toggle words at all.

That way, the bus_bits variable is actually a register during the fill, and only saved for use by the next fill; unless one clears the bus state to all-zeroes/all-ones between DMA runs.  Quite useful with small display controllers like ILI9341, when you use a framebuffer with unusual color format (or multiple layers), tiled graphics, or non-Cartesian framebuffer read order, and two or three separate DMA'd stripe buffers.  You recalculate the next stripe while the current one is transferred, so with fast MCUs you can do surprisingly interesting effects processing; definitely stuff like RGB blending and transparency and rotation of at least a couple of different "planes" on top of a static background.  This is how I reinvented this wheel approach for myself.

Just in case some of the readers of this thread have not guessed the relationship between the GPIOn_DR, GPIOn_DR_SET, GPIOn_DR_CLEAR, and GPIOn_DR_TOGGLE GPIO registers (and to make this post too a 'draft of a dissertation'):
  • Any bits set in the value written to GPIOn_DR_SET will cause the corresponding bits in GPIOn_DR to be set
  • Any bits set in the value written to GPIOn_DR_CLEAR will cause the corresponding bits in GPIOn_DR to be cleared
  • And any bit set in the value written to GPIOn_DR_TOGGLE will cause the corresponding bits in GPIOn_DR to change state
  • Unset/zero bits in the value written to GPIOn_DR_SET, _CLEAR, or _TOGGLE, are ignored: they do not cause any changes
These are common on some Cortex-M's GPIO subsystems, but similar can be available even on some 8-bit MCUs; check your MCU datasheet and manual.
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STM32 MCUs have a BSRR register for GPIOs (bit set/reset), I'm not sure if it's a common ARM Cortex feature or specific to these.

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STM32 MCUs have a BSRR register for GPIOs (bit set/reset), I'm not sure if it's a common ARM Cortex feature or specific to these.
As it is a peripheral, it does vary among Cortex-M implementations.  I suspect that each chip manufacturer has their own GPIO subsystem they use.

STM32F4 series uses 32-bit registers, but only up to 16 pins per bank.  16 low bits of GPIOx_ODR correspond to the output pin states; GPIOx_BSRR combines set (low 16 bits) and clear/reset (high 16 bits).  You can use 8-bit, 16-bit or 32-bit accesses to these registers.  There is no toggle, but one can do
    GPIOx_BSRR = bus_lookup[new_bits & BUS_MASK] | (bus_lookup[(~new_bits) & BUS_MASK] << 16);
to set and clear the bits corresponding to the new bus state (any subset within the same bank, up to 16 pins) in a single register write (after computing the 32-bit value to be written).  Also note that on STM32F4, bus_lookup[] values only need be 16-bit, not 32-bit, but larger than 16-bit wide buses need to be split into sub-buses and will use different GPIO ports.

On a comparable NXP Kinetis K20 Cortex-M4 (MK20DX64VLH7, MK20DX128VLH7, MK20DX256VLH7), there are up to 32 pins per bank.  The GPIOx_PDOR corresponds to the output pin states, GPIOx_PSOR is the set-bits register, GPIOx_PCOR is the clear-bits register, and GPIOx_PTOR is the toggle-bits registers.  8-, 16-, and 32-bit accesses are supported.

If we switch to Cortex-M7, like NXP i.MX RT106x (as used on e.g. Teensy 4), there are actually two different GPIO subsystems that one can select between, similar to how one selects between pin functions.  Both only support 32-bit accesses.  One is for DMA access, and the other is for faster, processor access.  This means that on RT106x, if you have only one DMA'd parallel output bus, you can have it direct it to GPIO[1-4]_DR, and only enable GPIO1-4 for the pins used by that DMA'd bus.  Processor (digitalWriteFast() etc.) uses GPIO6-9_DR, _DR_SET, _DR_CLEAR, and _DR_TOGGLE for manipulating pin states, which will not interfere with GPIO1-4_DR and related registers, so the two really behave as separate peripherals.

A comparable ST Cortex-M7, STM32F7 family, has the ST-style _ODR and _BSRR registers.

Raspberry Pi Pico AKA RP2040 has a Cortex-M0+ core, but each processor-programmable pin is controlled in a separate register; then again, you do have the eight PIO state machines instead.  NXP Kinetis KL26 sub-family also has Cortex-M0+ cores, but have the same GPIO registers as the K20 Cortex-M4 above.

In my experience, Cortex-M's provide at least the set and reset facility (either via _SET/_CLEAR, or _BSRR), but toggle is rarer; and the entire lineup of Cortex-M's from the same manufacturer tends to have a very similar GPIO subsystem.  (Without looking at 16-bit PIC MCUs, I'd guess they too have the _ODR and _BSRR register interface; I would not be too surprised if the subsystem implementation was really similar to ST's Cortex-M's, too.  It'd just make sense, really.)

Funnily enough, even some 8-bit MCUs like ATtiny4/5/9/10, and even ATmega32u4, have a 'toggle' facility: When a pin is configured an output, writing to PINx (port input register) causes the corresponding bits that were set to toggle in the PORTx registers.  (That might be an AVR specialty, since I haven't seen same in 8051's or MC68HC08's.)
« Last Edit: October 09, 2023, 11:20:44 pm by Nominal Animal »

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As a peripheral for a soft core, I've written a pretty useful kind of GPIO register (IMO) which allows to modify given bits of a GPIO port to an arbitrary value (0 or 1) according to a mask (for which a given bit = 1 means: modify the corresponding GPIO, = 0 means: don't modify it), so the register is split into a mask part and a value part (rather than the set and clear parts of the BSRR registers). Very handy to modify just a set of GPIOs within a port in a single cycle.

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As a peripheral for a soft core, I've written a pretty useful kind of GPIO register (IMO) which allows to modify given bits of a GPIO port to an arbitrary value (0 or 1) according to a mask (for which a given bit = 1 means: modify the corresponding GPIO, = 0 means: don't modify it), so the register is split into a mask part and a value part (rather than the set and clear parts of the BSRR registers). Very handy to modify just a set of GPIOs within a port in a single cycle.
Yes, but it does limit the number of pins to half the register width.

In any case, these are excellent examples of the techniques one can use to minimize the timing differences when changing parallel bus states, depending on the exact MCU capabilities, without using external circuitry like latches.

If OP and others are wondering about how much time they can spend in changing the parallel bus pin states (i.e., how long can one spend to change the state of all the pins in a parallel bus), for typical parallel buses with a separate 50% duty cycle clock or read/write strobe signal, the answer is "almost half a bus clock cycle".  The "almost" is because the triggering edge is not instantaneous (it is a slope, and thus takes a measurable time to transition), and there is a bit of latency between writing to the port data registers and the pins changing state, and these too need to happen well within the half clock cycle of the parallel bus.

Typically, that means that even if the parallel bus pins are spread into two or three GPIO banks, but you can use a shared DMA trigger (with 50% duty cycle, so you can use the opposite edge of that compared to what the other end uses), the bus will work just fine.  For some buses, even an interrupt handler might be fast enough, if it keeps the data for the next transfer prepared beforehand.

Often, the "hard" part is generating the exact desired number of clock cycles or read/write strobes especially at higher frequencies.  My trick there is to use SPI SCK (clock) if the number of transfers is a multiple of SPI transfer size (often programmable), or SPI MOSI/DO with 8-bit transfers and double (0b01010101), quadruple (0b00110011), or octuple (0b00001111) clock frequency, allowing one to specify the pulse count as a multiple of 4, 2, and 1, respectively.  This often takes two or more external pins (one for the SCK or MOSI/DO, plus the DMA trigger pin) wired together, though.
Many MCUs allow a DMA to use the same source and target addresses but a variable count, so using (part of) one SPI and one DMA channel, one can often generate the desired clock, especially since on Cortex-M's the SPI cores can often go to pretty high frequencies (dozens of MHz).

On some MCUs, you can even use the SPI in slave mode, dividing the incoming clock by 2/4/8 (and even different dividers if the SPI subsystem supports transfer sizes other than 8 bits); if the SPI data register defaults to all zeros or all ones in the absence of (DMA) writes, you can still control the pulse count (to a multiple of 4, 2, or 1, respectively).

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Yes, but it does limit the number of pins to half the register width.

Yeah. Since address space (on 32-bit MCUs) and simple logic gates are cheap, I would like to see more different options to access the same peripherals, e.g. 32-bit wide registers which can set/reset 16 bits at once in any combination (BSRR or SiliconWizard's mask/value, basically the same thing expressed differently), or write 32 pin values at once, or set 32 pin values, or reset 32 pin values.

Interestingly, while STM32 offers combined/atomic set-reset for 16 bits, nRF52 offers atomic set OR reset for 32 bits, but you can't do combined set-reset. Seeing both options at once would be great so one could choose based on application requirements. Full free-routable IO matrix, as in nRF52, is highly helpful as you can arrange the pins you need to switch simultaneously into the same IO register, without causing a PCB routing nightmare or painting yourself into corner with other peripherals sharing the same pins.
« Last Edit: October 10, 2023, 06:23:52 am by Siwastaja »

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As a peripheral for a soft core, I've written a pretty useful kind of GPIO register (IMO) which allows to modify given bits of a GPIO port to an arbitrary value (0 or 1) according to a mask (for which a given bit = 1 means: modify the corresponding GPIO, = 0 means: don't modify it), so the register is split into a mask part and a value part (rather than the set and clear parts of the BSRR registers). Very handy to modify just a set of GPIOs within a port in a single cycle.
Yes, but it does limit the number of pins to half the register width.

Of course, no free lunch here. But it can prove much better than having to use set/reset registers when dealing with arbitrary values that can't be statically defined (so that a static approach such as set/reset will require extra cycles to define at run-time which should be used for which bits.)

ST's BSRR registers are also half-half, but other implementations use separate SET and CLEAR registers. Of course which approach is more efficient depends on your use case exactly.

The usual implementation approach when using these single registers is to restrict GPIO "ports" to half the native register size (so 16 GPIOs per port for a 32-bit CPU), which is what ST does.
An alternative (which is what I did for flexibility) is to implement N-bit ports (N = native width) that can be read/written in a single cycle entirely (like the ODR registers), and the value/mask registers can only act on half of the port, with the half being configurable in another register. In practice, that gives a ton of flexibility.

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one can do
    GPIOx_BSRR = bus_lookup[new_bits & BUS_MASK] | (bus_lookup[(~new_bits) & BUS_MASK] << 16);
to set and clear the bits corresponding to the new bus state
A nice thing with STM32 BSRR is that setting bits takes priority on resetting them, so one can have slightly more efficient code with:
    GPIOx_BSRR = bus_lookup[new_bits & BUS_MASK] | (bus_lookup[BUS_MASK] << 16);
The bits set in the higher word of BSRR will have no effect if the corresponding bit is set in the lower word.
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But quite frankly, the most usual case why you have to do non-atomic modification in two or more steps is not because you are switching too many (say 17) pins at a time, but because you are switching maybe three or four pins which stupidly happen to reside in different ports. Having a full routing matrix on other peripherals, so that you can get all those UARTs and SPIs etc. out of the way instead of having them in fixed positions (or two-three choices only), pretty much solves this issue, and is hugely helpful in many other ways, too. This has proved an excellent feature in nRF52 and it can't be that expensive to implement. Peripherals with special analog requirements would still need fixed mappings, of course.
« Last Edit: October 10, 2023, 07:02:58 am by Siwastaja »
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Having a full routing matrix on other peripherals, so that you can get all those UARTs and SPIs etc. out of the way instead of having them in fixed positions (or two-three choices only), pretty much solves this issue, and is hugely helpful in many other ways, too. This has proved an excellent feature in nRF52 and it can't be that expensive to implement. Peripherals with special analog requirements would still need fixed mappings, of course.
Another example is the PSoC family, with full routing of peripheral modules (and much more...).
But I also like what they did with the RP2040: one single 32 bit GPIO, with a full complement of set, clear, and xor registers, and a very liberal (and regular, easy to memorize!) mapping of SPI/I2C/UART, not 100% flexible but 99% sensible.
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But quite frankly, the most usual case why you have to do non-atomic modification in two or more steps is not because you are switching too many (say 17) pins at a time, but because you are switching maybe three or four pins which stupidly happen to reside in different ports.
I admit, because of the stuff I do –– using microcontrollers to interface to sensors and displays as extensions to Linux SBCs –– I spend a lot of time picking the pin sets using various spreadsheets before writing any code, so I don't usually get bitten by that.

I wonder how much silicon would be needed for a few full-matrix GPIO output buffer registers?

For example, let's say you have one or more 32-bit buffer registers, each with a full bit mask across all GPIO banks (128-bit mask if four 32-bit GPIO banks, for example), identifying the pins each bit affects.  A write to such a register sets the corresponding pins in parallel, with conflicting bit masks (i.e. two different full bit masks having common bits set) yielding undefined/unpredictable/don't-care results?  While the write would have no delay, the actual GPIO state change could be delayed by the typical cross-clock-domain delay, as long as all GPIO banks change state simultaneously, plus a constant number of subsystem clock cycles to generate the actual GPIO bank changes. (There are various ways to generate the needed bit masks and changesets in C/VHDL/hardware, the simplest being a shifter, leading to 32 cycle latency with 32-bit GPIO registers.)

If you wanted read support, it'd need to select a combinatoric logic –– OR, NOR, AND, XOR –– but otherwise be very similar.  (Each output bit is the result of the combinatoric logic across the GPIO input data register bits corresponding to set bits in the full bit mask.)  Note how the read trigger would be immediate, but the data only available after the aforementioned latency; a simple latch/FIFO mechanism (where reading causes the next read to latch on next clock cycle or so and starts propagating the new data, but returns previous latch contents) would probably be acceptable.

Note that this is not a crossbar-type situation, but a mask approach affecting all GPIO banks in parallel.

I haven't done FPGA stuff yet, but I see this as an added/optional subsystem with access to the GPIO port data registers in parallel (needing a mask-and-new-state write access to all GPIO banks in parallel).  It'd be very interesting to test this with some real-world use cases on a soft-core, I think.
« Last Edit: October 10, 2023, 08:55:49 pm by Nominal Animal »

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two pins always have some phase difference. You're needs to be careful with PCB design. Keep electrical length of wires from your pins as close as possible, so they will have minimum phase difference. There is no way to add or remove some delay for some pin, like you can do on FPGA. The phase delay for each pin is fixed and depends on wire layout on die, so you can measure it and compensate with wires layout on your PCB.

But I suspect that jitter of stm32 don't allows you to be very precise with phase delay for all pins. It's better to use FPGA for that. It also has jitter, but it will better than for stm32.
« Last Edit: October 10, 2023, 09:50:06 pm by radiolistener »

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