Electronics > Microcontrollers

Problems installing TivaWare

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I've been trying to install TivaWare (The software extension for TI's Tiva C range of MCUs) and I've been having some problems.
I installed Code Composer Studio and TivaWare, but I can't seem to find any of the examples for the Tiva MCUs in CCS. Is there a specific place I should install TivaWare? I just installed it in the default folder. I tried putting the files in the CCS folder too, but to no avail.

TI is a bit of chaotic. CCS is bundled with an old version of TivaWare. And there are multiple separate TivaWare bundles for different processors. And they haven't fully recovered from the name change from StellarisWare to TivaWare, not all documentation and settings are properly changed. And examples have been moved into special board subdirectories ...

If you can get your FAE to sort it out and send you the right version, including getting the right compiler version. If you can't, look for version 1.1 and version 2.0 of TivaWare for your MCU or the full version for your MCU series.

I don't know what "problems" you are having but in your project, you will need to specify the include / library path pointing to the Tivaware location.

There may be also certain defines that you need to implement for your chip.

TI produced a PPT / course material that laid this out clearly.

If you cannot find it, please let me know.

Yes, the CCS project wizard could have been implemented a little bit better.


--- Quote from: Bored@Work on January 11, 2014, 10:40:14 pm ---TI is a bit of chaotic. CCS is bundled with an old version of TivaWare. And there are multiple separate TivaWare bundles for different processors. And they haven't fully recovered from the name change from StellarisWare to TivaWare, not all documentation and settings are properly changed. And examples have been moved into special board subdirectories ...

If you can get your FAE to sort it out and send you the right version, including getting the right compiler version. If you can't, look for version 1.1 and version 2.0 of TivaWare for your MCU or the full version for your MCU series.

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Ah right, good to know that it's not me just being dumb.
I've installed everything I can find, but there's no sign of it in the actual CCS software.
All the MSP430Ware examples are there in the packages window, but no TivaWare at all.
I was hoping it'd be a bit simpler than this...

Dannyf: My problems are that I can't even start coding or even open an example file, because when it asks which Device I'm using, none of the Tiva chips are in the dropdown.


--- Quote from: Jon86 on January 12, 2014, 12:55:59 pm ---Ah right, good to know that it's not me just being dumb.
I've installed everything I can find, but there's no sign of it in the actual CCS software.

--- End quote ---

You know you need to import examples from the board directory? And you are sure you have the right CCS version with the right license?


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