Thanks for your reply, sir.
I follow your guide and check my design carefully.
First, the external clock frequency on PCB is 32MHz indeed, I confirmed that with an oscilloscope.
And I enabled “Master Clock Output 1” feature, and STM32 output main clock through PA8, I measured this pin with an oscilloscope, it was 32MHz.
Whether I use HSE or HSI, I make sure the system runs at 32MHz, I measured “Master Clock Output 1” with an oscilloscope, it was 32MHz, there was no doubt.
Then I go to check HAL_GPIO_WritePin() function, it checks parameters validation, then operates registers directly.
The last point you mentioned, I checked again, No Optimization Enabled.
This is a very tiny code project to output a fixed frequency wave. What’s going on? Did I miss something? This really confused me.
Then My colleagues suggested me to update STM32CubeIDE to latest version.
The version I’m using is V1.14.1, the latest version on is V1.15.1,
After I eliminated old version and updated to the latest version, nothing changed, I still can’t get a correct consequence.
Does anyone do me a favor?