Hi my name is Minh and I am new to this forum so please bear with me.
For school I am building an submersible vehicle for system engineering and right now I'm having trouble with how I need to control it. My first design was to control the motors with switches on land and the batteries would also be on land like in this website:
http://www.homebuiltrovs.com/howtoswitch.html. but i opted opted out because the umbilical cable that i'll be using will be a CAT5 cable so the voltage drop would be too much.
My second design is to have the batteries onboard the ROV and control it with 2 picaxe microcontrollers "talking" to each other. one would be on the Rov it self and one would be in the control box onland. the first picaxe would read a pair of potentiometer (in my case the ones in my joystick) and turns certain outputs on. These output then connect to the second microcontroller on the rov which transcribe its to turn the motor respectively. For example if pin0 is high and all the other pins are low then the second microcontroller will read this and send signals for the motors to go forward (H-Bridge).
You can view my current programme here:
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sHfm9mcgWfio004RjNY-twFZxNM3itzUzy32WLvyOCk/edit, dont worry about the gripper mode for now.
The problem is that it uses 4 output pins and four wires. A CAT5 cable only has 8 wires and 2 of them will already used for the onboard camera. I have looked into the pulsin and pulsout command and thought that i might be able to send a pulse of a certain frequency out of only 1 output and the second picaxe will be able to read the frequency of the pulse and do a certain thing.
The problem is i dont know how to write the program for pulsin and pulsout so if anyone knows can you please help me. Thanks