Well, a PIC18 of PIC24.. do the power comparisons. Some PIC24 claim XLP (Xtreme Low Power) or something.
PIC32 is more power hungry.
But as always, you don't need to run the controller at full speed. PIC24 allows very flexible clocking, I dunno how good the PIC18's are in that respect (haven't played much with them).
Oh btw.. assembler? AVOID
Open source projects are cool. Have you ever seen 'open source' embedded projects that are completely written in assembler and are noticeable? I haven't.
It's probably because open source benefits from developers joining. I don't feel encouraged to digg around some assembler code to understand it and expand it.
Don't get me wrong. I do some inline assembler for things like context switching in RTOS, or some x86 assembly on some game (Race simulators) data mining, but I'm glad a compiler knows it's tricks.
Assembler sounds stupid. Implementing an algorithm for sin may take yourself an afternoon. I can just type sin() and it works.
Maybe I want a boot loader too so I can update the program via an UART.
Or an RTOS so I can multitask things (altho for a calculator.. hmm
I believe Dave uses a matrix. Don't know for sure. His video's about the project are quite explanatory.
I don't think you need 32-bit power. 16-bit sounds good enough. 8-bit may be a bit low if you want to multiple 32-bit integers or floats, because it has to do a ton of instructions to calculate that.
RAM and ROM? Well, I don't think a calculator needs a lot of RAM. But I see most PIC24 series are in the 4k+. Should be plenty.
ROM: well, I know for matter of fact that you can port programs between PIC24F very easily.
If you get yourself a PIC24F DIP version, breadbord it up with an LCD and some buttons (Do the touch on a PCB later), and experiment. You'll soon figure if need 8K or 64K for the project.
Honestly I don't know. I only used PIC24F with USB before, which eats a ton of ROM.