I have a standard ICSP 2x3 connector on the rear of my enclosure. This ties to my SPI bus, which is in a master/slave setup.
My ATmega168's reset line is wired to the connector, whereas each slave devices' "SS" will use a programmed pin on the micro.
I used the suggested resistors in the recommended locations.
Every power pin in my entire design has a decoupling capacitor. My microcontroller has a 1uF and .1uF capacitor on each power pin for reassurance.
I'm operating at 5V and my voltage regulators can handle more than my requirements. The rails are fine under load.
There is an 8MHz oscillator for the micro, which was implemented based on their recommendations. Of course, this is disabled until I can change the fuse to enable it.
I have to be doing something wrong. I can't even burn the bootloader in the Arduino IDE or in AVRdude (cmd).
Is it worth getting a USB programmer for $20? I'm getting a little frustrated with this process. I know it'll be worth the effort later, though. I have an oscilloscope, but I don't know what the signals should look like at what times during the programming.