Electronics > Microcontrollers

protection in MCU

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I want set additional protection on Atmega128, because the fuse protection can be removed very easy. Some company, like RussianSemiResearch.com, can do it. Anybody used this service? What technology use by this company? Can I make it myself?

If you have to ask the question....

I quess is doable in home, if you have enough time, right chemicals and good eguipment.

Its not exactly lets dremel top off this package deal...

But if you need to ask price, you probably dont need it. Its usually easyer just design it yourself then reverse engineer software from chip thats seriously abused. I have ever heard only couple cases where this sort of extreme measures was done.

Here's how its done: http://www.bunniestudios.com/blog/?page_id=40
More interesting stuff here: http://www.flylogic.net/blog/

the cheapest way to add additional protection to your chip is cut off the programming pins, file off the number and seal in a metal epoxy,

I'm slowly reverse engineering a security dongle that has done just that, and its become easier for me to log security keys from a man in the middle attack than slowly whittle away a few microns of epoxy at a time with acetone.


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