Hello everyone!
I'm relatively new to the world of EEPROM so apologises in advance if I sound like a noob

This is my application: I have a magnetic encoder I need to use for a robotic project, the icHaus ic-MU200 (
https://www.ichaus.de/product/ic-mu200). I've bought their eval board to test it and everything looks great. This is the eval board:
https://www.ichaus.de/upload/pdf/MU200_EVAL_MU6M_evalmanual_A1en.pdfAfter the first evaluation tests, I've made my own board based on the schematics available in the datasheets. I have soldered all the components and I've started testing the board with their evaluation software.
Everything works great: I can read the sensor, I can run a calibration and I can modify the RAM parameters. However, I can not write to the EEPROM - the error I'm given is that the I2C can't find the EEPROM. I'm stuck here!
A couple of details:
- I've used the same EEPROM they use in the MU6M board, a 24LC16B/P
- I've not done anything to the EEPROM, I literally took it out of the packaging it came with and I've soldered it in place
Any ideas on what might be going wrong here? Do I need somehow to provision the EEPROM?