I have a Hi-Lo programmer that appeared to use a Parallel port but it turned out to be an 'intelligent' interface. The bad news was that it was an ISA Bus card !
In my case I have a new home office computer that meets with my lovely wife's approval for good looks etc and I have a lab computer that provides me with easy access to my data archives, internet etc. The home office computer is a DELL Inspiron ONE...very nice but totally USB and no card slots. The lab computer is a DELL Dimension 4550 and it has a parallel port built in and so supports my legacy Velleman and PICO PC oscilloscopes.
The Hi-Lo programmer presented a problem though as my lab computer is PCI without any ISA bus slots. As a result, I have another small footprint HP PC dedicated to the programmer

The bad news is that these PC's take up space. I use a KVM switch to reduce the display and keyboard space overhead.
Legacy PC's can be picked up for peanuts these days. Its a good idea to hold on to an older PC in order to support legacy interface requirements.... its often cheaper and easier than trying to persuade a modern PC with Win 97 to talk with a 'clever' interface adapter that in turn must 'talk' to the aged accessory ! Incompatabilities can waste a heap of time and cause much frustration !
I bought a new USB universal programmer and a USB PIC programmer last year to enable me to move forward with the ever changing world of programmable IC's. The Hi-Lo is a nice unit though and I have a similar high quality Dataman universal programmer...I don't want to retire them just yet