Electronics > Microcontrollers
Simple Windows AVR programmer?
I need to find a simple programmer + software for a (non-technical) colleague to program/modify ATTINY24. Needs to be:
+ Windows GUI based
+ Program & verify from hex file (flash & EEPROM)
+ View and/or modify EEPROM contents
+ Power target (3V) would be nice but not essential
There are a ton of really cheap USB programmers on the market but they seem to mostly rely on AVRDUDE or Arduino. I personally use an old AVR-ICSP and Atmel Studio 7, but that's way OTT just to modify a couple of memory locations.
Any recommendations?
AVRdudess is a pretty nice GUI for AVRdude and I've recommended it for a colleague who builds gear, but gets someone else to write the firmware - he jsut needs to flash a dozen or so chips every so often.
Whilst there are lots of settings, there are "presets" that you could set up for someone that'll fill in most of the command line arguments for you.
Failing that, you can't really beat the programming interface built into AVR Studio 4 (really old) or Atmel studio 6.2 (fairly old). The former is a standalone *.exe from the directory that can be moved.
As for the hardware, I bought an AVRISP STK500 clone, and modified it slightly to provide power to the target (5V only). That was just a schottky diode from the USB 5V to target. Note this hack isn't particularly nice or safe, but it was only used with a ZIF board I made, that could also accept external power - it wasn't used in-circuit. If it to power the target ISP, you may need something that can handle shorts, current limtied, and at the very least, diode protected against back feeding.
I chose the STK500 over the native USB AVR-ISP MKII because it doesn't require special drivers - I believe the above uses the CH340 USB-serial bridge, and I've never had driver problems with those (or the CP2102 based ones for that matter).
--- Quote --- but they seem to mostly rely on AVRDUDE
--- End quote ---
It's pretty hard to beat avrdude, aside from its rather complex user interface.
Wrap it in a GUI (avrdudess) or .bat file, and you have have your pick of programming hardware.
--- Quote ---program/modify ATTINY24
--- End quote ---
ONLY an ATtiny24 ? (ancient!)
Are you looking for a socket on the programmer, or an ISP connection?
(I haven't seen a programmer with a socket in a long time, although they can be easy to add.)
MPLAB X IPE software
MPLAB Snap or PICKit 4/5 programmer
or any modern programmer who have edit windows ...
tl866 xgecu t48 t56 t76 etc ... list goes on and on on many simple programmer some offer jtag spi ... interfacing or use the socket ...
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