Electronics > Microcontrollers

STM32CubeMX sprintf does not work with float

(1/2) > >>

I have those 2 similar routines, one to write an integer to the LCD and the other to write a float,  the integer ones work perfectly but the very similar one for float does not work, I'm guessing that sprintf fails for a float on stm32cubemx compiler, any tips on that?

void writeInteger(LiquidCrystal *lcd, int valueToBedisplayed, uint8_t MaxLenghtOfDigitis)
   char StringValue[MaxLenghtOfDigitis];
   sprintf(StringValue, "%d", valueToBedisplayed );
   size_t Lengh = strlen(StringValue);
   for (uint8_t i = 0; i < Lengh; i++){
      write(lcd ,*(StringValue+i));

void writefloat(LiquidCrystal *lcd, float floatToBeDisplayed, uint8_t MaxLenghtOfDigitis)
   char StringValue[MaxLenghtOfDigitis+2];
   sprintf(StringValue, "%f", floatToBeDisplayed );
   size_t Lengh = strlen(StringValue);
   for (uint8_t i = 0; i < Lengh; i++){
      write(lcd ,*(StringValue+i));

mcu settings:  -u _printf_float

Have a read around here

You can have lots of fun with the Newlib libc.a library and it's duff mutexes, its use of the heap, etc :)

In the end I replaced it with an open source one - all in the thread and here

I remember some option in the compiler/linker whatever settings to enable floats in printf

As I said, here it is


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