Electronics > Microcontrollers

This code is so broken it some how fixes itself.

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--- Quote from: paulca on February 14, 2023, 06:25:46 pm ---However, most things get allocated in RAM_D1 'above' it.

--- End quote ---

What are these things? What the map file shows? Any insights from arm-none-eabi-objdump -h yourfile.elf ? Are some symbols matching .data.* pattern located in RAM_D1 and some in DTCMRAM?

BTW, your linker script does not have section RAM_D1. Are you sure about it?


--- Quote from: eutectique on February 14, 2023, 06:58:05 pm ---
--- Quote from: paulca on February 14, 2023, 06:25:46 pm ---However, most things get allocated in RAM_D1 'above' it.

--- End quote ---

What are these things? What the map file shows? Any insights from arm-none-eabi-objdump -h yourfile.elf ? Are some symbols matching .data.* pattern located in RAM_D1 and some in DTCMRAM?

BTW, your linker script does not have section RAM_D1. Are you sure about it?

--- End quote ---

Sorry, there are two linkers.  The other one is attached,.

The "other" things are general variables, buffers, (.bss and .data I will assume)

The idea is to create an labelled section like .dtcm and allocate some of the buffers in there.


--- Quote from: paulca on February 14, 2023, 07:37:34 pm ---The idea is to create an labelled section like .dtcm and allocate some of the buffers in there.

--- End quote ---

Ok, then create it!

Add the following to the linker script:

--- Code: ---.dtcm_section {

--- End code ---

and the following, as suggested by Nominal Animal, to your source code:

--- Code: ---static type arrayname[count] __attribute__((section "dtcm"));

--- End code ---

Thanks!  Got it working.

Adding /modified a few bits though.

--- Code: --- __attribute__((section(".dtcm_section"))) static uint32_t rx1Buffer[8];
 __attribute__((section(".dtcm_section"))) static uint32_t rx2Buffer[8];
 __attribute__((section(".dtcm_section"))) static uint32_t tx1Buffer[8] ;
 __attribute__((section(".dtcm_section"))) static uint32_t tx2Buffer[8];

--- End code ---

--- Code: ---  .dtcm_section :
      . = ALIGN(4);
      . = ALIGN(4);

--- End code ---

I might test how much impact it has with the scope next time I'm checking the performance/timing.


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