Electronics > Microcontrollers

TMS320F240 and emulator BH-USB-2, what utility to flash?

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Code Composer 3.3 works fine with the blackhawk-usb2.0 emulator, but the flashburn utility does not support it. The Uniflash utility does, but it does not have TMS320F240.
There are executables for loading into TMS, but if I can clean and erase by running them, how do I write a firmware file if I need to somehow feed data for writing?

I looked at the used Code Composer dll and dvr, copied everything to the folders to the utilities, but it still doesn't work. It complains about the CSM, and the TMS320F240 doesn't have a CSM.

I found a homemade program that has the source code of the algorithms for the newer TMS320. The text shows that the algorithms were once exactly what I needed, but they were modified, and now they need to be modified back.

Is this a DSP chip? Do you want to load firmware into it?


--- Quote from: daisizhou on November 12, 2024, 05:59:32 am ---Is this a DSP chip? Do you want to load firmware into it?

--- End quote ---
Yes, these chips are called DSP. In fact, it is a regular mcu.
Yes, I need to write firmware to its flash. If you look at the TI site, you will find that all questions about this chip remain unanswered.
However, the archive in the link above has everything you need to make the firmware functions yourself, using Code Composer.
If you have something ready, I would be happy not to mess with it.


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