These classic microprocessors are still in relatively wide use in embedded systems. I was delighted to find a 65c02 in an LCD monitor I was repairing. (The repair was just replacement of faulty caps, though.) But 6502 is still for sale, both as chips and as VHDL. However, WDC's version is not fully compatible with MOS6502. In particular, all undefined opcodes are NOPs. So don't expect to be able to pop this into a C64 and be able to run games and demos.
Clearly, it has a 1024-bit crypto hardware as an easter egg.
This is not as out there as it seems. A certain brand of smart cards is using an 8051or 8052 core and it has — you guessed it — hardware crypto acceleration. 3DES in this case, so not quite 1024 bits, but I wouldn't be surprised if there's some smart card or similar that has a 6502 core and some 1024-bit crypto.