Has anybody been able to find information about the bootloader? According the the datasheet it resides in a flash memory block at 0x1fff f000. There is definitely code there, but no documentation can be found anywhere.
1ffff000: j 0x1ffff736
1ffff004: unimp
1ffff006: unimp
1ffff008: addi sp,sp,-12
1ffff00a: sw s1,0(sp)
1ffff00c: sw s0,4(sp)
1ffff00e: sw ra,8(sp)
1ffff010: jr t0
1ffff012: lw s1,0(sp)
1ffff014: lw s0,4(sp)
1ffff016: lw ra,8(sp)
1ffff018: addi sp,sp,12
1ffff01a: ret
1ffff01c: lui a3,0x45670
1ffff020: lui a5,0x40022
1ffff024: addi a3,a3,291 # 0x45670123
1ffff028: lui a4,0xcdef9
There are also a couple of other features that lack proper documentation, like the OPAMP, but at least there are code examples for it.