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But how about Rust on Arduino?
FORTH is a very low level stack based programming language yet at the same time a very high one. It's a bit of a weird one.Examples here: https://learnxinyminutes.com/docs/forth/A FORTH interpreter and compiler is so small it can run on the target rather than being cross compiled. Literally you can write your code on an AVR for example on the actual device with a serial terminal.It is however immensely powerful and it's possible to do some cool tricks like sandboxed code.How to make an Arduino good: http://amforth.sourceforge.net/TG/recipes/Arduino-HelloWorld.html (there back on topic )
Excellent stuff I used to get copies of TCJ back in the 90s. Brad Rodriquez ran a series on building FORTH interpreters from scratch. Learned a lot. Then got distracted by common lisp Articles here: https://www.bradrodriguez.com/papers/index.htmlTCJ here: https://archive.org/details/the-computer-journalTCJ was about the trailing edge of computing. Doing less with more. tggzzz would like it if he doesn't already know about it.
Forth also runs on the STM8 family, and here is a sub-$2 thermostat board with 3 7-segments, 3 push buttons, a temperature probe, and a relay:https://github.com/TG9541/stm8ef/wiki/Board-W1209
is there any Forth rom for hc11? My handyboard was shipped preoloaded with two ROMs: BUFALO and IC (by MIT).