Treez, are you there?
There are so many people who are trying to help you. And you either do not follow up their suggestions or you at least do not give any indication that you already excluded those factors.
Sounds like you're finally getting closer to trying something reasonable, but there is a good chance you would have figured out the problem a long time ago, if you had actually listened to anyone.
Seems like a lot of people would be interested in helping you more, if you actually followed up. When half a dozen people go out of their way to help you, and you discard the thread without a thanks, without a reply, without any followup at all, it is insulting. For instance, you used to have "some boards" that worked, and later it dwindled down to "one board." That does not surprise anyone else, BTW.
Did you know to use the debugger, you have to compile a "debug" version of the code which includes extra overhead code? You're welcome. Looking forward to the next new thread in this dungheap example of what you call debugging. I'm sure if you finally fix it you will come back and explain the bumbleheaded problem you found? Not.