Products > Networking & Wireless

Renewing my lab LAN

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Currently i'm testing a prototype of a GPIB to fiber ethernet interface, based on FreeRTOS and LwIP (derived from STM32H743 example project).
The connection is implemented as TCP/IP ping-pong between the host app and the GPIB app on the MCU. Between the Windows XP host and the MCU device i have a Netgear FS105 switch and a DS104 hub (tap for packet capture) and a duplex 20 m multimode fiber with a tp-link media converter. The GPIB interface has its own fiber transceiver.
A self-paced Keithley 2700 multimeter produces eight readings per second, with minor variation due to autozero/autocal. The wireshark screen shows near perfect timing with a jitter of < 0.2 msec. In addition to the GPIB controller the MCU serves a dynamic html info page with two page views per second (on two browsers).
This setup runs for hours without losing a single K2700 measurement in hundreds of thousands, according to the K2700 reading numbers.

Regards, Dieter


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