Author Topic: STM32 L476RG Nucleo Board and LoRaWAN  (Read 1665 times)

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STM32 L476RG Nucleo Board and LoRaWAN
« on: December 06, 2019, 07:28:21 pm »
I'm trying to play around with LoRaWAN communication and am hitting a few roadblocks using the ST's LoRaWAN stack.   I've successfully implemented the Network bridge, Network server, and Application server on an RPi4.  As for the gateway, I'm using a LAIRD Sentrius RG191 8 channel gateway.

One main issue I'm currently observing is the nucleo board only seems to want to send a maximum of 7 uplinks before the stack seems to fail or timeout.  I'm also having a hard time trying to figure out how to properly define the channel map I'd like to use, which I defined on the gateway.

I've gone over the UM2703 many times and I'm not finding any relevant information.  Software is not my forte, so any help or advice would be great :)
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Re: STM32 L476RG Nucleo Board and LoRaWAN
« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2019, 08:32:27 pm »
Could it be a rate limit? There are some strict daily limits in certain jurisdictions, and the library may enforce them (though this does seem unlikely, as it would need to be time-aware).

Offline CalMachineTopic starter

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Re: STM32 L476RG Nucleo Board and LoRaWAN
« Reply #2 on: December 06, 2019, 08:51:16 pm »
Could it be a rate limit? There are some strict daily limits in certain jurisdictions, and the library may enforce them (though this does seem unlikely, as it would need to be time-aware).

I've contemplated that may be the issue, but it hits that 7 message limit whether I have it sending an uplink once every 10 seconds or once every 10 minutes. 

I think I'll let the nucleo board run over the weekend and see if I can see the stack fire off messages again after a day or so after it seems to shut down.

I'm monitoring the uplink and downlink frames on the 'life lorawan frames' page on the chirpstack interface, as well as the STM32's serial output on tera term
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