If they auto link and act as a serial cable, then these sound like they act as a serial null modem. I believe you can configure a null modem as a networking device in windows, at least I know I have done this ~15 years ago .. (albeit over a serial null modem cable, not a wireless link) I would google around a bit for enabling TCP/IP over a null modem on Windows 10.
FWIW, a null modem cable is essentially a cable that connects the TX from one end to the RX of the other. It sounds like that's what these do? To test you can open a serial console on both laptops and type some text, it should show up on the other side.
EDIT: If you can't do this with windows then you should be able to do this with linux. A pair of rasberry pi's at each end could be set up to essentially convert from ethernet to serial to wireless and back.