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[SUGGESTION] How to add Firmware to your project

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First off I'd like to say this is an awesome blog, I really enjoy watching your videos. My suggestion goes along with your last few blogs about bringing products to market.  In one of your blogs you talked about throwing a micro in your design and adding firmware to minimize others from copying and selling your designs.  Why not do an instructional video of how to add firmware to your design and how you would go about packaging up firmware updates that get sent out to the customer and how they would install them.

You could do a simple project with an Arduino and run through it start to finish.

Just a suggestion.


i put a MCU in my current project. It did partly start as a copy protection but as the project evolved into something much more complex with my wanting room for further developments it's become a necessity. In my case I'd not plan on any updates but if i did I'd sent a replacement unit out and have the old one back for upgrading.

Some Asian companies will unlock a MCU for $500, after that, the firmware can be read. You might stop the casual cloner, but not anyone willing to spend a small amount of money.

oh yes of that I'm aware, it was the wannabe garage hobbiest that might think he can make a few bob off my back i aimed to stop. the thing does not have a huge market opening so not the sort of thing a company will bother to copy or will get to hear about in time to have enough market left to make it worth while

LOL, reminds of the time when some multimeters that used the Intersil (7106?) chip for the display / sampling simply bent the leads 180 degrees about before insertion into the PCB!

This would be a little bit harder these days with SMD 0.5 mm pitch without snapping pins off when you looked at it but yeah, a cheap way of slowing down the smarty pant esp if you grind *both* sides of the chip to make it less obvious.  :D


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