Nowadays there's more fake parts around, with suspect quality to freak out and irritate electronics manufacturers and repairers,
crippling their businesses honoring warranty claims
Battery leakage can be relied on to happen more often, especially in expensive equipment
TVs and the electronics have improved and gotten lighter and thinner, but unfortunately only a handful of TV stations are watchable.
Except for the weather forecasts, most News 'stories' are BS based,
and the idiots that produce and appear in the childish, stupid, ludicrous, cheap shock value commercials

belong in insane asylums,
and or on their own island away from humanity. Same deal for those that watch that audio/visual garbage and want to discuss it as well
Fear Flu scare campaigns are now so over the top compared to old school swine, bird, mad cow panics etc
and it appears most everyone including the population at a top electronics forum, buy into it without question or opposition,
pumping it along with no skeptism, no conspiracy theories, no verifiable data backed by honest independent medical and biological professionals etc, zip nada..
perhaps it's easier on the brain to just go with the flow in 2020, and avoid being considered uninformed, ignorant, different, troublesome, tardish, trollish, or 'special'
DJ may want to consider a 'BYO everything' street party to celebrate 10 years of EEVblog
and invite any survivors of the big C of 2020,
once it's blown away and forgotten, just like the previous ones