The problem with IP 'theft' is that it's imaginary. The 'owner' doesn't lose anything tangible, nor did they have anything tangible to begin with. There's very rarely any identifiable 'loss' to be recovered, nor any irrevocable damage to punish. I can agree that creative works, like Dave's videos, deserve protection against misappropriation and use for profit against the creator's will. However, I can absolutely, unequivocally not agree with the notion of ideas being protected. That is just patently absurd (pun not intended). Furthermore, that is explicitly not what patent is designed to do. Why should I get any special protection because I was the first person on Earth to think of an idea? There are 7 billion of us. If Newton and Liebniz could independently discover the calculus, there is plenty of room for independent discovery and implementation of other good ideas, and this should be encouraged not undermined by an absolutely out of hand patent system.
These are complicated issues, and you don't seem to understand them very well, or are intentionally going all over the map to elicit a response, constantly conflating and confusing the concepts involved in 'intellectual property.' This evidenced by your very first post equating the copyright infringement at issue here with reverse engineering and cloning - which isn't even illegal, though you may take moral issue with it. I don't even know what the topic is anymore, it keeps moving. Are we still talking about Salae? Have we ever been talking about this YouTube infringement? What on Earth is this discussion even about?
It's ridiculous we're having this discussion. The YouTube user in question will likely shortly be banned, they will not get many views and so little ad revenue as to not matter. It's hardly worth mentioning.
Edit: clarity