I've seen way way worse than Dave. Infact, I was intern at such a workshop. They developed special camera's there, where expensive/sensitive camera sensors where 'collecting dust' on part of the table, the part near laptop workplace/oscilloscope was crowded with papers, datasheets etc.
And even more fun: the soldering area was a small table of not even 2m long and 1m deep. A third was covered by soldering equipment. The rest were component bags.
Especially great was the way to sort passives; just throw the tape in a box and mark down what it was. Ah great, so if you need a 15k resistor you find tons and tons of resistors you don't need.
And then if you do find one, it was 0603 were you really need a 0402.
The only really clean part was were the anti-static mat was. That's the place were prototypes were tested and camera's assembled. But eventually..
Eventually 'the boss' complained and it was cleaned up. Only to be a mess 2 weeks after.