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A suggestion on show format for the live shows



I have been enjoying the live shows. Have you thought about bringing 3-4 topics to discuss to fill in between questions? This would be similar to a radio talk show format. Anyways, it might help during lulls in the questions being submitted.

keep up the great work!

Don't know if I'll bother doing the Live shows any more.
I've gone cold on the idea since I've started the radio show.

But yeah, I can't keep doing the Q&A format forever. But the catch is, if I have good stuff to show or tell, it's simply better to do it a a proper blog video.


yea that kind of makes sense, I always miss them but I can see it is thrilling to get to ask you a question directly but is it really worth your time ?


--- Quote from: Simon on August 19, 2010, 06:57:27 am ---yea that kind of makes sense, I always miss them but I can see it is thrilling to get to ask you a question directly but is it really worth your time ?

--- End quote ---

Time wise the live shows are quite good.
Sure it might take an hour or something, but there is no setup, no re-shoot, and hardly any edit time required.
Just like the drive-time rants.


yea all true, I guess if i could make a live show I would, closest I'll ever get to meeting you face to face


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