BTW, is there a way to set the shoutbox time to my local time? I have the timezone offset and custom datetime format set for the forum but it doesn't apply there.
So, I downloaded the shoutbox mod and it's doing the time all wrong. It saves the users local, offset and formated time and then everyone's messages are using different format and timezone. There is a simple fix to this, if you have some time Dave could you please do it?
First, to save the timestamp not the formated string, in .../NChat/NChatHandle.php, line 84, change:
$mess[] = array($NChatInfo['time'], $username, $subject);
$mess[] = array(time(), $username, $subject);
Next, to format it in viewing users timezone, in .../Nchat/NChatHandle.php, line 44, change:
if($NChat['order'] == 1){
echo (($NChatInfo['can_mod']) ? '[<a href="javascript: NChat_ajax(\'NChat=clean&&NChat_mess='.$i.'\');">X</a>]' : '') .'[<span style="color:#666686;font-size:80%;">'.$mess[$i][0].'</span>]'.$mess[$i][1].': '.NChatParser($mess[$i][2]).'<br />';
echo (($NChatInfo['can_mod']) ? '[<a href="javascript: NChat_ajax(\'NChat=clean&&NChat_mess='.$i.'\');">X</a>]' : '') .'[<span style="color:#666686;font-size:80%;">'.$mess[$i][0].'</span>]'.$mess[$i][1].': '.NChatParser($mess[$i][2]).'<br />';
if($NChat['order'] == 1){
echo (($NChatInfo['can_mod']) ? '[<a href="javascript: NChat_ajax(\'NChat=clean&&NChat_mess='.$i.'\');">X</a>]' : '') .'[<span style="color:#666686;font-size:80%;">'.timeformat($mess[$i][0], false).'</span>]'.$mess[$i][1].': '.NChatParser($mess[$i][2]).'<br />';
echo (($NChatInfo['can_mod']) ? '[<a href="javascript: NChat_ajax(\'NChat=clean&&NChat_mess='.$i.'\');">X</a>]' : '') .'[<span style="color:#666686;font-size:80%;">'.timeformat($mess[$i][0], false).'</span>]'.$mess[$i][1].': '.NChatParser($mess[$i][2]).'<br />';