Would it be possible to add
.svg to the allowed upload attachment file suffix list?
I do not think it is necessary to add any extensions to the SimpleMachines Forum software, just add the file suffix to the allowed suffixes' list.
Current browsers support SVG files just like PNG, GIF, and JPEG images. SimpleMachines Forum also supports SVG images; it just does not allow uploading .svg files as an attachment.
Consider Larry Ewing's classix Tux logo, a 94015 byte SVG file:
which is displayed above using
[img]https://www.nominal-animal.net/answers/tux-by-larry-ewing.svg[/img] .
(If one removes the
width and
height attributes of the target SVG file
SVG element, only leaving the
viewBox attribute, the SVG image will naturally scale to the maximum size possible in the allowed space, see e.g.
Inkscape is an easy to learn application for creating, editing, and manipulating SVG files, and is freely available for basically all operating systems, but all vector graphics packages nowadays do support SVG.
Diagrams, including circuit diagrams, are better described in vector graphics formats like SVG: file size should be smaller, and visual fidelity much better. Many free web tools like EasyEDA do allow easy export in SVG form, too.
I myself put the images on my own web site, and just link to them (as shown above), but I think it would make sense to allow SVG file uploads as normal image attachments, too. It would help with both image fidelity and file size (using less server resources).