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Can't see my sent messages?


Fried Chicken:
And the inbox has a very unusual format that I can't quite decipher.  Is this normal?

Yeah its an odd format, but its like Sent, Received, Sent, etc.

Go to your Messages -> Preferences -> Change Settings is the " Save a copy of each personal message in my sent items by default. " checked off?

Fried Chicken:

--- Quote from: thm_w on April 05, 2024, 09:15:46 pm ---Yeah its an odd format, but its like Sent, Received, Sent, etc.

Go to your Messages -> Preferences -> Change Settings is the " Save a copy of each personal message in my sent items by default. " checked off?

--- End quote ---

Indeed I did not.  Now I think I have it to normal, changed the style to "as a conversation".  I have never in my years of foruming encountered something like this.  Weird.  thank you for the clarification

   I brought up the exact same question, maybe approx 1 year ago (in supporter's lounge).
Basically get a 'flashed' 'SENT' word on screen of my phone, 1/2 second, then another title replaces it.
I brought it up as helpful feedback, but there are so many bugs / flaws in the Android powered phone that I've been quite happy with the overall EEVBLOG experience;   (I often request PM recipient include copy, of my initial message, to jog my memory).

   Now, I don't know how a large organization does their web site software management, but many, many large businesses use a Google contracted 'enterprise' package to manage these things.   Lol, watching as several doctor's offices all seem to change features in lock-step.

   I'm (relatively) happy, in spite of lack of a 'sent' section to use.


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