Author Topic: Video about component tester of Hameg Scope  (Read 2392 times)

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Offline GodzilTopic starter

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Video about component tester of Hameg Scope
« on: September 17, 2015, 09:44:53 am »
Hi Dave,

For a "retro" equipment based video you could do one about the Component Tester that most of the Hameg scope have, it could also turn on making one, or just explaining how it work, for a "normal" scope that only have a X-Y mode.

I think it could be interesting
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Offline Stephan_T

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Re: Video about component tester of Hameg Scope
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2015, 02:36:49 am »
There is a very nice video of Alan (aka w2aew) about this topic:

#49: Simple Component Tester using Oscilloscope - Octopus Curve Tracer

The function of such a component tester could even be improved (at least on an old analogue scope) when we would add a trigger that causes a little blanking pulse on the z axis (intensity of the beam). This could display a small marker at the 45° point of the period, which would make it easier to recognise an ellipse either as capacitance or as inductance. Otherwise both look exactly the same.

It would also be nice to discuss the recommended values for the octopus circuit a little bit more in detail. What voltages, currents, resistors and frequencies are useful and uncritical in case of different components.

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