I would agree with gnif that CloudFlare should have nothing to do with MySql issue. Currently CloudFlare cashing is disabled and only the DNS queries are resolved by them
. Let's see if would help at all (which I doubt)
. I presume that you check mysql logs (/var/log/mysql/error.log || /var/log/mysqld.log || etc) for errors?
Beside gnif, do you have sudoers (or any other support person) in other TimeZones? Maybe someone in UK or US you trust in person. Someone that could restart the bloody MySql service if needed!
The value of posts on the Forum is substantial. Every time Forum crashes, I panic
. Would you confirm that MySql databases and httpd data are backed up regularly (CRON, rsync, etc.)?
With regards to RAM, It looks like the server may be overcommited,
If it is not a huge secret, what is the output of
free -m after a fresh restart? I am curious to know how much RAM is installed on the server.