Author Topic: Free energy theory teardown  (Read 12359 times)

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Re: Free energy theory teardown
« Reply #26 on: February 05, 2012, 10:37:14 pm »
I propose awards for 'free energy' projects. If we have 'pylon of the month', then surely we must have 'free energy project of the month'.
What criteria do you think we should use?

The number of people sucked into the schemes would be my first pass.
This mob have sucked in many hundreds of investors:
I was contacted by one member of their "forum" and trying to debunk it, because they have been unable to.
Of course they haven't been able to, they all paid many hundreds or thousands of dollars to join the forum and get access to the "technology" and then are under NDA to not say anything about it.
The smarter ones have walked away, but I'm still told there are hundreds who remain invested in it.

Be prepared for bullshit overload:


When I tried the link You gave Dave I got the message "This Video is private" They obviously have decided to lock the unbelievers out. But like you say the whole thing is bovine excreta and does not really deserve the time of day.

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