I agree. Not only would a comparison be useful, but also some brief introduction to them, how they are used, etc. You know, for the "younger players."
That would be a tricky video to make.
Pardon the pun but a function generator is designed for a set of intended functions. The biggest factor in getting the right function generator is understanding your needs.
Over the years more functions have been grouped onto a single generator. Even with these advancements there still isn't any do it all generator yet. Besides a feature rich generator is expensive and would be a waist of money if your requirements are more moderate.
Another reason not to get the fancy high frequency generator is, higher the frequency less output protection is incorporated. All protection schemes effect slew rate. A generator capable of 10v/ns into 50ohms will have very little protection. And output protection is important if you consider yourself a "young player".
For example 2 years ago I got lazy and used my generator to drive a 2N7000 directly, with no extra protection. Well that mistake cost me $1,300.00. After 40 years I guess I was due for a Doh!