Author Topic: Fundamentals Friday - Mosfet Body Diode  (Read 2108 times)

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Fundamentals Friday - Mosfet Body Diode
« on: March 01, 2017, 11:11:19 pm »
So, last night and today, a friend and I got to talking about this ElectroBOOM article (yes, I watched the video; yes my heart skipped beats every time he made sparks fly; dear god I just can't with this guy x.x) about taking advantage of the body diode in a MOSFET to trigger a reverse polarity protection circuit. The conversation led to this question on the electronics stack exchange and today I found this two part article about mosfet design basics: Part 1 and Part 2.

And while all of this looks really cool and radical, and the body diode just comes up as "part of how a mosfet is made", I'd like to suggest a Fundamentals Friday episode about how the body diode works in a mosfet, and how it can be used if it's internally (or even externally) connected to source or drain. Apparently if the diode isn't internally connected, a mosfet can conduct in both directions when switched on. So... why is the diode internally connected in the first place?

I could probably go on with questions, and it'd be awesome if Dave could do a FF episode all about this! :D
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Re: Fundamentals Friday - Mosfet Body Diode
« Reply #1 on: March 14, 2017, 09:52:00 pm »
In that context I would think that it would also fit in to talk about SCR latchup
I'd think of something clever to say, but I got nothing, so I just won't.

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