Author Topic: Handheld contactless thermometers. Good, bad or just ugly?  (Read 2258 times)

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Handheld contactless thermometers. Good, bad or just ugly?
« on: July 29, 2020, 04:32:26 pm »
In our Covid-19 era, at airports, train stations, shopping mals and beauty salons, etc, handheld contactless infrared thermometers are relied on to check entrants temperatures. No fever, no worries...

The question is, are these measurements actually RELIABLE? When the 'normal' body temperature range is 35C to 37C, many people will have a forehead temperature of under 30C; that means they are hypothermic. Certainly not feverish.

So can these handheld contactless thermometers provide a safe diagnosic? Is there a difference in the quality of body temperature readings versus device price? What is the IR detector technology anyway?

Tear down time?...

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